Cleveland NPM News
August 29, 2022
An Evening of Reflection was hosted by Our Lady of Grace Parish in Hinkley, Ohio.
Over 50 people attended our first large in-person meeting of the 2022-2023 season, and it was an evening to remember. Thoughtful witnesses, fruitful table conversations, a fabulous dinner were followed by a wonderful reflection offered by Bishop Michael Woost. Evening prayer at the conclusion of the day left all feeling both peaceful and inspired.
Bishop Michael reflected that what we are doing is about RENEWAL, not simply restoration of what used to be prior to the pandemic. It's about listening, understanding our common experience; about forming and informing our faith communities.
Here is a link to the Cleveland Diocese newsletter describing the event.
Below are some pictures from the event.

March 16, 2019
The first diocesan Children's Choir Festival was held on Saturday, March 16, 2019, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. Rehearsals began that morning at 10:00 AM at Historic St. Peter Church at E 17th Street and Superior. Many thanks to Fr. Robert Kropac for allowing the festival to use his parish church for rehearsal. The children walked to the cathedral after lunch.
After a spirited scavenger hunt at the cathedral with the singers locating specific artwork in the building rehearsal began at 2:30 for 4:30 Mass. The children's choir led the music at the anticipated Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent, the Transfiguration.
The children experienced a wonderful day, made lots of music and new friends and were very excited about being part of something that was exceptional.
September 24, 2018
The opening meeting for the fall of 2018 of the Cleveland NPM chapter took place at the Church of the Resurrection in Solon, OH. Julie Tragon was our host and Fr. Tom Dragga is the pastor. Dinner was enjoyed by all. Bridget Jankowski gave an inspiring workshop on body mapping discussing how our posture, mental attitude, tension, relaxation and prayer all effect how we perform our ministries. Speakers, celebrants, singers, instrumentalists, and directors can all benefit from how we map our bodies. The event closed with evening prayer.

St. Noel

St Malachi

St Columbkille

St. Noel
August 2018
During August of 2018, Brown Bag Lunches continued.
Many people were able to meet, greet and become better acquainted. Many topics were discussed by those present and a lot of connecting and networking took place. These meetings will continue in February of 2019.
East Side Host:
Mary Hrich, St. Mary Magdalene, Willowick
Downtown Host:
Jeanne Marie Miles, 1404 Cathedral Plaza
South and West hosts still being sought.
Check back for specific dates.