Future Events
2025 Diocesan Children’s Choir Festival
NPM Cleveland is excited to sponsor our fifth choir festival for singers with unchanged voices in grades 3 and up. Michael Olbash will be the guest conductor, and the day will culminate with Mass at the cathedral, celebrated by Bishop Woost. Click here for the flyer and click here for the liturgy plan (including links to scores).
How to register:
Before mid-January, share the student form with parents, and ask them to let you know once they have completed it online. Once student forms are complete, directors should fill out this form (some FAQs are answered here). Directors may either choose to have families write checks to your parish, and then have the parish write one check payable to NPM Cleveland, or you may send individual checks from families.
Please complete all of the registration forms and mail payment to arrive by February 3, 2025. Mail to:
Angela Bak, Director of Music
Nativity B.V.M. Parish
418 W. 15th St.
Lorain, Ohio 44052
Please also share this parent information page with families. A director information page has the schedule and information for teachers.
(Please note: We are moving towards online registration. If you feel more comfortable with paper forms, we will still accept those. Here is the director form and here is the student form.)
Past Events
October 10-12, 2024 - Cleveland Ensemble Workshop
This workshop will be held at St Michael's in Independence and will be led by three outstanding Catholic church musicians, composers and directors - Steve Petrunak, Jaime Cortez and Bobby Fisher. Sessions will be held Thursday 6 - 9 pm, Friday 8 am to 9 pm and Saturday 8 am to 3:30 pm and will include a Concert of Three Guitars at 7:30 pm. For more information go to
November 22, 2024 - St. Cecelia Day
An NPM sponsored choir will sing at the noon Mass t St John's Cathedral. All those who want to join are asked to meet at 10:30 at the Cathedral for practice. More information to follow.